Name: | JAMES P. GASTON, M.D., P.C. |
Company number: | 642453 | Company status: | Inactive Dissolution By Proclamation / Annulment Of Authority |
Incorporation date: | 30 July 1980 (over 41 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | JAMES P. GASTON, 109 E 67 STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 10021, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | JAMES P. GASTON, M.D., P.C. |
Latest events: | 1980-07-30 Incorporated1980-07-30 - 2016-07-05 Addition of officer JAMES P GASTON, principal executive office1980-07-30 - 2016-07-05 Addition of officer JAMES P. GASTON, chief executive officer |
Officers: | JAMES P GASTON principal executive office JAMES P. GASTON chief executive officer |