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Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Company number:1965065
Company status:Inactive Dissolution By Proclamation / Annulment Of Authority
Incorporation date:16 October 1995 (about 26 years ago)
Jurisdiction:New York (US)
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:160 EAST 56TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 10022, United States
Agent name:unavailable
Previous names:GALLE INC.
Latest events:1995-10-16 Incorporated
Data from other sources:
Galle GmbH, DE7330895941
From: DE, , Murrhardt
Contact: www.galle-gmbh.de, [email protected], +49 71913410013
Galle GmbH, DE3050162335
From: DE, , Sonnewalde
Contact: www.galle-gmbh.de, [email protected], +49 35323689160

MR MIRKO GALLE Shareholder of Galle GmbH
Mr Mirko Galle Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Galle GmbH
Ms Bianca Galle Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Galle GmbH
Mr Lothar Mueller Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Galle GmbH
Ms Michaela Galle Previously worked for (Authorised Signatory) Galle GmbH
Mr Johannes Jakobson Currently works for (Executive Marketing / Advertising) Galle GmbH
Mr Sebastian Schulz Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Galle GmbH
Mr Hartmut Galle Previously worked for (Chief Executive Officer) Galle GmbH
Mr Hartmut Galle Previously worked for (Executive Marketing/Advertising) Galle GmbH
Mr Jan Seidel Currently works for (Chief Executive Officer) Galle GmbH
Mr Siegmar Hille Currently works for (Authorised Signatory) Galle GmbH
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