Name: | DANFB SPE, INC. |
Company number: | 2256993 | Company status: | Active |
Incorporation date: | 6 May 1998 (almost 23 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | C/O JOSEPH P. KIEFFER, 7978 COOPER CREEK BLVD, UNIVERSITY PARK, 34201, FLORIDA, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | DANFB SPE, INC. |
Company addresses: | Head Office Address DANFB SPE, INC., 7978 COOPER CREEK BLVD, UNIVERSITY PARK, FLORIDA, 34201 |
Latest events: | 1998-05-06 - 2020-06-02 Addition of officer DANFB SPE, INC, dos process agent2020-06-02 - 2020-07-02 Removal of officer SHAUN B JACKSON, dos process agent2020-06-02 - 2020-07-02 Removal of officer SHAUN BENDERSON, chief executive officer |
Officers: | DANFB SPE, INC INC RANDALL BENDERSON chief executive officer |