Name: | DALINO INC. |
Company number: | 2073730 | Company status: | Inactive Dissolution |
Incorporation date: | 10 October 1996 (over 24 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | NATALE MAURIZIO, 14500 STATE ROUTE 104, RED CREEK, NEW YORK, 13143-9413, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | DALINO INC. |
Company addresses: | Head Office Address DALINO INC., 14518 STATE ROUTE 104, RED CREEK, NEW YORK, 13143-9413 |
Latest events: | 1996-10-10 Incorporated1996-10-10 - 2016-07-05 Addition of officer DALINO INC, principal executive office1996-10-10 - 2016-07-05 Addition of officer NATALE MAURIZIO, chief executive officer |
Licenses: | 1. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2500855Other trading names Permissions GROCERY BEER, WINE PRODLocations 2. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2501031Other trading names Permissions ON-PREMISES LIQUORLocations |
Officers: | DALINO INC principal executive office NATALE MAURIZIO chief executive officer |