Company number: | 814768 | Company status: | Active |
Incorporation date: | 17 November 1983 (over 37 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | 28 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK, 10005, NEW YORK, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | DALAND CORPORATION |
Company addresses: | Head Office Address DALAND CORPORATION, 9313 EAST 34TH ST NORTH, SUITE 100, WICHITA, KANSAS, 67226 |
Latest events: | 1983-11-17 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, dos process agent1983-11-17 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, registered agent1983-11-17 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer WILLIAM J WALSH, JR, chief executive officer |
Licenses: | 1. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2506466Other trading names Permissions RESTAURANT WINELocations 2. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2507418Other trading names Permissions RESTAURANT WINELocations 3. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2506460Other trading names Permissions RESTAURANT WINELocations 4. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2507409Other trading names Permissions RESTAURANT WINELocations 5. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2507422Other trading names Permissions RESTAURANT WINELocations |
Officers: | C T CORPORATION SYSTEM dos process agent C T CORPORATION SYSTEM registered agent WILLIAM J WALSH, JR JR |