Name: | DAKS TECH, INC. |
Company number: | 1563291 | Company status: | Active |
Incorporation date: | 23 July 1991 (almost 30 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | 4 SMITH CLOVE RD, CENTRAL VALLEY, 10917, NEW YORK, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | DAKS TECH, INC. |
Company addresses: | Head Office Address ALICE YU, 26 ROSMINI LANE, MONROE, NEW YORK, 10950 |
Latest events: | 1991-07-23 Incorporated1991-07-23 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer DANNY YU, chief executive officer1991-07-23 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer DANNY YU, dos process agent |
Licenses: | 1. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2007690Other trading names Permissions GROCERY BEER, WINE PRODLocations 2. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 2007955Other trading names Permissions GROCERY BEER, WINE PRODLocations |
Officers: | DANNY YU chief executive officer DANNY YU dos process agent |