Name: | CVS ALBANY, L.L.C. |
Company number: | 2323888 | Company status: | Active |
Incorporation date: | 10 December 1998 (over 22 years ago) |
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Jurisdiction: | New York (US) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | ATTN: MELANIE LUKER, 1 CVS DRIVE, WOONSOCKET, 02895, RHODE ISLAND, United States |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Previous names: | CVS ALBANY, L.L.C., CVS MANOR ROAD, L.L.C. |
Latest events: | 1998-12-10 Incorporated1998-12-10 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, registered agent1998-12-10 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer CVS PHARMACY, INC, dos process agent |
Branches: | 0 CVS ALBANY, L.L.C. (Delaware (US)) |
Licenses: | 1. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 1042837Other trading names Permissions DRUG BEER, WINE PRODLocations 2. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 3014377Other trading names Permissions DRUG BEER, WINE PRODLocations 3. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 3012053Other trading names Permissions DRUG BEER, WINE PRODLocations 4. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 1038787Other trading names Permissions DRUG BEER, WINE PRODLocations 5. Jurisdiction of License New York (US)Issuer State Liquor AuthorityCategory BusinessLicense number 1045598Other trading names Permissions DRUG BEER, WINE PRODLocations |
Officers: | C T CORPORATION SYSTEM registered agent CVS PHARMACY, INC INC |