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Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Company number:2414908
Company status:Active
Incorporation date: 1 September 1999 (over 21 years ago)
Jurisdiction:New York (US)
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:MOHAMMED ALI, 1112 MADISON AVE, ALBANY, 12208, NEW YORK, United States
Agent name:unavailable
Previous names:CURRY HOUSE INC.
Company addresses:Head Office Address MOHAMMED MANIK, MOHAMMED ALI, 1112 MADISON AVE, ALBANY, NEW YORK, 12208
Latest events:1999-09-01 Incorporated
1999-09-01 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer MOHAMMED MANIK, chief executive officer
1999-09-01 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer MOHAMMED MANIK, dos process agent
Officers:MOHAMMED MANIK chief executive officer
MOHAMMED MANIK dos process agent

MOHAMMED MANIK, Position: chief executive officer


MOHAMMED MANIK, Position: dos process agent

Data from other sources:
Curry House (Swinton) Ltd, GB10010346
From: GB, , Mexborough
Contact: , ,
Curry House (Hampshire) Ltd, GB12085667
From: GB, , Basingstoke
Contact: , ,
Curry House (Sidcup) Ltd, GB10932912
From: GB, , Sidcup
Contact: , ,
Curry House, GBML6626117
From: GB, , Hitchin
Contact: www.curryhousehitchin.com, [email protected], +44 1462452121
Curry House Limited, NZ9429030576155
From: NZ, ,
Contact: curryhouse.co.nz, [email protected], +64 35468029
Curry House (Nw) Limited, GB06449066
From: GB, , Southport
Contact: , [email protected], +44 1704550302

MRS GHAZALA SHAIN Shareholder of Curry House (Swinton) Ltd
MRS SHEKH ABUL BASHER Shareholder of Curry House (Hampshire) Ltd
MR MD RAHMAN Shareholder of Curry House (Sidcup) Ltd
Mr Juber Ahmed Currently works for (Proprietor - Senior Decision Maker) Curry House
Mr Virat Vij Previously worked for (Director) Curry House Limited
Mr Krishan Gopal Vij Previously worked for (Director) Curry House Limited
Mr Azizur Rahman Currently works for (Director (occupation: Chef)) Curry House (Nw) Limited
Mr Azizur Rahman Currently works for (Company Secretary - Admin Contact) Curry House (Nw) Limited
Mr Azizur Rahman Currently works for (Company Secretary) Curry House (Nw) Limited
Ms Nargis Bahar Rahman Currently works for (Director) Curry House (Nw) Limited
Ms Nargis Bahar Rahman Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) Curry House (Nw) Limited
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All information found on this page is extracted from public sources and should not be used in any official way.