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Company data, financial data, shareholder information and contact data
Name:B.E.D., LLC
Company number:2643208
Company status:Active
Incorporation date:25 May 2001 (almost 20 years ago)
Jurisdiction:New York (US)
Business number:unavailable
Registered address:ATTN: DAVIDE SFERRAZZA, 100 RULAND ROAD, MELVILLE, 11747, NEW YORK, United States
Agent name:unavailable
Previous names:B.E.D., LLC
Latest events:2001-05-25 Incorporated
2001-05-25 - 2019-12-05 Addition of officer EASTERN ATHLETIC, dos process agent
Officers:EASTERN ATHLETIC dos process agent

EASTERN ATHLETIC, Position: dos process agent

Data from other sources:
B.E.D. (Corby) Limited, GB02671639
From: GB, , Corby
Contact: www.bedelectrical.co.uk, [email protected],

Mr Barry Goodman Previously worked for (Director) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Colin Peter Allanson Currently works for (Director) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Goodman Currently works for (Manager - General Contact) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Mark James Allanson Previously worked for (Managing Director - Fleet Contact) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Ms Ellen Mary Goodman Previously worked for (Company Secretary) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Grant Alexander Cook Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Colin Peter Allanson Currently works for (Company Secretary) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Grant Alexander Cook Currently works for (Branch Manager - Fleet Contact) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Ms Mary Joan Goodman Previously worked for (Director) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Ms Mary Joan Goodman Previously worked for (Company Secretary) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Mark James Allanson Currently works for (Director (occupation: Managing Director)) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Craig Devlin Currently works for (Director) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Grant Alexander Cook Currently works for (Director) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
Mr Craig Devlin Currently works for (Director - Executive Contact) B.E.D. (Corby) Limited
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All information found on this page is extracted from public sources and should not be used in any official way.